Tree Varieties

Species of Trees grown at Killakee Christmas Tree Farm:

We grow 2 species of Christmas Trees at Killakee Christmas Tree Farm.

Nordman Fir - Since the early nineties the Nordman Fir have become the nation’s favourite Christmas tree. They have a beautiful shape, wonderful smell, and excellent needle retention. The Nordman Fir has lovely dark green soft and glossy foliage - these trees were tailor made for families. This is our most popular tree at the Killakee Christmas Tree Farm.

Noble Fir – The Noble Fir retains its needles very well. This fir has attractive grey-green needles that tilt upwards and very strong branches, so is a good choice for hanging heavy decorations on. The layers are quite distinct, and this tree is not as bushy as other species. They’re hard to find in Ireland and more expensive, although their needle retention is among the best. The Noble Fir tree is available at the Killakee Christmas Tree Farm.

Pot-Grown Christmas Tree - We have a small selection of pot-grown Christmas Trees at the farm. They are 60-80cm tall. Pot-grown Christmas Trees are ideal for smaller homes, outside a front door or on a windowsill. Pot-grown trees must be watered regularly and replanted annually in a larger pot or transferred to the garden.

Other Species of Trees available in Ireland but not at Killakee Christmas Tree Farm:

Scots Pine - Sightly less common, the Scots pine is a native tree with bright, blue-green foliage and a lovely fragrance. The needles are quite sharp. Excellent needles retention as they don’t fall, even when dry.

Norway Spruce – This species is the traditional Christmas tree popular since Victorian time. The Norway spruce has short, bright green, pointed needles that drop quickly. It has a lovely scent but quickly drops its dense, spiky needles, so if you’re keen on this variety, wait until later in December and make sure you water it regularly. It’s an ideal tree for outdoors.

Fraser Fir – This species has soft, wide and flat dark green needles. It’s not dissimilar in shape to the Norway spruce, but doesn’t drop its needles as quickly. It also has a narrower base - making it ideal for tight spaces. It’s the bestselling Christmas tree in the US, and has a lovely, aromatic fragrance.

Douglas Fir - Very popular in the US since the 1920s, the Douglas fir has soft, dark green or blue green needles. The tree is popular for its good needle retention and a lovely citrus fragrance.

Lodgepole Pine - Native to the US, this tree’s straight stems were supposedly once used by Native Americans as the central pole for their wigwams. A beautiful tinsel-like tree, well-shaped when carefully sheared during growth. Bright green foliage, with long soft needles. This species has very good needle retention.

With our wide selection of pre-cut and pick your own trees we are sure we have the perfect Christmas tree to suit your needs. Your real Christmas Tree should last for over 4 weeks if properly cared for. Check out our tips on caring for your tree to keep your tree fresh for as long as possible.